- Republicans & Democrats
- Values
- Our Constitution
- Politics
- Opportunity
- Faith
- Race
- The World Beyond Our Borders
- Family
Each chapter addresses these often sensitive and complex issues in a very interesting and logical process and indeed goes a long way towards explaining where Obama has come from and where he is likely to take the USA to.
Whatever your views on politics, the USA,, world issues etc. I would very much recommend that you read this book by a man who represents a significant time in the history of North America and most likely the world.
Damaged - Cathy Glass
In complete contrast, Cathy Glass is an English foster mother who takes on the challenge of fostering an 8 year old girl called Jodie. It transpires that Jodie has been severely mentally and physically damaged through sexual abuse inflicted on her by her parents and other adults that were in her life.
The book traces Cathy's attempts to rescue Jodie from her inner torment with the hope of offering this poor young child a life that can be described as near as possible to normal. Throughout Jodies' stay, the pain and anguish suffered by Cathy and her family are astounding as they seek to understand the damaged mind of a very young girl. Most of Jodie's activities and outburst would have exhausted the patience of any adult, no matter how much of a caring and understanding nature they had.
I soon came to the conclusion that foster carers like Cathy are angels who usually go unrecognised but perform a huge service both for the children involved and society in general. The book gives a deep and shocking insight in the previously closed world of fostering and really is a compelling and disturbing read.
I regret that I cannot report a happy ending as Jodies end up in specialist care home because her conditions and issues were so severe that they could not be dealt with in a family home. It was obvious that Jodie is never likely to lead a normal life and has had her childhood stolen by those who should have been most protective towards her.
Read it and weep is how I would best summaries a stunning and distrubing true story. The sad thing is that there are many more Jodies out there, often unrecognised until it is to late.
If any reader has read either of these books I would be delighted to hear your feedback on them.