Saturday, 7 February 2009

Not before time

I was ashamed to note that it had been several weeks, if not months, since I have last poured out my views and feelings into cyberspace via this Blog. I set off many months ago with all the very best intentions which in the main have come to nothing. So, in the true spirit of those who are looking to revive their enthusiasm and motivation for that New Year resolution that fell by the wayside on 11th January and then again on the 3rd February, I offer the following words of wisdom?

The mortgage market continues to be challenging and many would say difficult. Our clients often seem to be confused, if not a little scared about what to do for the best when it comes to reviewing their mortgage arrangements. With a further cut in the base rate yesterday, some are doing very well from the savings on tracker rates but others are now looking to fix a rate on the expectation that rates will start to rise again later this year.

If the base rate continues to fall, it may not be long before lenders are paying their customers to take a mortgage out with them! The basic issue is that banks are still not lending to each other and therefore to us, despite the best efforts of Mr. Brown and Mr. Darling.

On the home front, Dylan has now passed his first birthday and continues to be a charming dog of real character. He has wandered off a couple of times recently but that is said to be his natural instinct as a hunting dog, used to chase Badgers historically I believe.

The cold spell continues to set challenges with getting about anywhere and some people I am sure are suffering far more than me from this unusual spell of weather. But there again, it could be argued what should we expect in January and February - perhaps we have just got off lightly in recent years. It certainly does not seem to indicate much global warming is going on in the UK at the moment.

One of my main interests is cricket, and in particular scoring the game whilst others swing the willow and chase the leather (that last bit could sound a little fruity I accept). I am running a course this morning - yes it's minus 4 degrees outside with snow on the ground - to train a dozen people in the art?? of scoring a cricket match. I can hear the collective sigh of boredom whenever I mention cricket scoring but I very much enjoy it and hope to pass on a few hints and tips to others today that would like to improve their scoring skills.

So, with that said, I must get ready to do battle with the highways and byways of our fair country in order to deliver this training course - I just hope that most of the delegates can get there and make the day worthwhile.

Take care during this continued bad weather and you never know, it may be less than four months before I visit this Blog venture again.


Anonymous said...

About Argentina, the situation concerning the mortgage market is not very clear yet. In fact, it has never been. It is very difficult for an ordinary citizen to get a loan to buy a flat or house. Yes, there was a construction boom a couple of years ago, and now the situation is quite hard at the moment. What I found weird when I went to the bank today is that I was able to get a higher spending limit for my credit card, and because of that commission fees on my bank account will be "zero" for six months. Unheard of!

Anonymous said...

Well hello there stranger! I remember you from way back at 20six! Seems like a lifetime ago. I was Featheredenergy.. then feathers.. now daffy (for a couple of years now) I hope you are well, you sound well! I'll visit again. Nice to see some not so old but familiar friends around again!

Dave Tyrrell said...

Hi 2times20, aka MJ, thank you for visiting and for leaving the very first comment!! It is certainly a strange and difficult time in the financial industry. Many of our clients seem confused and unsure about what to do. It is therefore perhaps more important than ever to use a Broker (I would say that wouldn't I) in order to guide you through this difficult period. Take care :-)

Dave Tyrrell said...

Hi Daffy,I mean Feathers, of course I remember you. Great to make contact again after such a long time. I have bookmarked your Blog and will now be a regular visitor. Hope you are well and look forward to hearing more from you over the coming months.

Anonymous said...

Hello Tizwoz! It's good to see that you're still blogging, albeit rather spasmodically!
I hope that the weather didn't curtail your training weekend and that you enjoyed it.
I'll make sure that I stop by now and again to read your tales.
Cheers Flighty!

Dave Tyrrell said...

Hi Flighty, great to make contact with you again after all this time. I have been very lapse in my blogging recently. There always seems to be something else to do. Note to self: Must Try Harder. Anyway, I have added you to my small and elite group of bookmarks and look forward to hearing from you again in the not to distant futre.

Anonymous said...

"elite group", ahem...that definitely makes me feel important ;)