Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Three Obscenities and a Thank You

After four very different events today, my faith in human nature and the human condition has been severely dented and I therefore felt I would share the following observations and assertions with you:

Obscenity 1

As a Human Being first, a pacifist second and a cricket lover third, it is simply beyond my comprehension how men carrying guns can open fire on police, cricket officials and cricketers as they did in Pakistan today.

What makes any human being (??) or group of human beings (??) think that they have the right and more astonishingly, the justification, to open fire on Cricketers, their officials and the people trying to protect them in the name of religion or some other perverse belief.

What gives them the right to destroy innocent peoples lives who were simply going about their lawful business? What gives them the right to destroy the lives of the families affected and probably to destroy any prospect of international cricket being played again in Pakistan (a cricket loving country) for the foreseeable future.

I feel very sad for all affected and wish a speedy recovery to the injured. I also feel very sad for the wonderful game of cricket. As for those responsible - words simply fail me.

Obscenity 2

It was reported today that a full investigation of child protection services in Dundee will result from the death of Brandon Muir who was killed by Robert Cunningham in such a brutal and obscene way.

There will no doubt be many recriminations and fingers of blame pointed at various people. However, the bottom line is that a very young child has lost his life in an awful way to a person who should have been looking to protect and care for this poor little child.

Such events always hit the headlines and then seem to fade away with little or no lessons seeming to have been learnt. However, the death of one child is one to many and to die in such a tragic and brutal way is simply to horrible to comprehend.

How a human being (??) can carry out such acts on a defenceless child is simply beyond my scope of understanding.

Obscenity 3

Many of course will say that my third choice is as nothing when compared to my first two obscenities, but to me it is still an obscene story for various reasons.

Aston Martin today announced the launch of their most expensive car ever - coming in at £1,000,000. Now, I know that there will be those that will snap up such a symbol of wealth and status. But in times when thousands are losing their jobs and houses, business are going bust and misery is all around the lives of many, such a consumer product at such a time seems to me simply obscene.

In addition, I can't believe that such a car will be contribute to the reduction in global warming with many many litres of fuel being needed to propel it for even a short distance.

Thank You

Finally, and on the positive side, I received a small gift and several "Thank Yous" for some work that I had done for a couple - for which I had also been paid.

In this day and age, this seems to me to be an increasingly rare event and is certainly something we should hear more often. My efforts were appreciated but more importantly, someone took the time and trouble to tell me so.

My faith in human nature, despite the three obscenities had been restored, if only by about 5%.

I will now dismount from my soap box!! Thank you for reading this far :-)


Flighty said...

I can understand your feelings and do sympathise!
It's a sad reflection of the world we live in nowadays.
I suppose we should be grateful that we still get the occasional thank you.
We surely have to live with the belief that our faith in human nature will remain firm even though it constantly seems to be gradually eroded away. Cheers!

Dave Tyrrell said...

Hi Flighty, thanks for stopping by and your comments. I agree that we should try to retain faith in human nature but these sorts of incidents really to push my faith to the limit. Yes, more thanks yous should be the order of the day! Thank You.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post. I think it must have been difficult to choose three obscenities, as, sadly, there are thousands to choose from. I was born and live in a country where "obscenity" is commonplace. We have become so used to that, that I believe we have lost the ability to respond physically or emotionally to it. I get the feeling that a lot of people are going numb (and dumb), just to protect themselves? I wonder. Today I posted an entry on someone who made me say "wow"..., not so frequent nowadays, and i was sad to see it was nothing to "wow about". Just a smart person...Thank yous? Please??? Using those words is out of fashion. ;)

Dave Tyrrell said...

Hi MJ, thank you for your comments. I was pleased you like my post and yes it is sad if you live in a country where there are to many obscenities to list. I think you are also right in saying that people are going numb and dumb in light of the continual bad financial and other news. Have a good week and take care :-)

Anonymous said...

As I'm late in calling by I think there are a couple of obscenities that could be added to your list. Sad times!
Thanks you's are so lovely even if they are not required. It certainly brightens a job!

Dave Tyrrell said...

Hi Daffy, thans for your visit. Yes, the sad thing is that there are so many other obcenities that could be added - mass shootings, killings in Northern Ireland, Bank Fraud etc etc etc. However, we must try to retain faith in human nature, after all the above are carried out by a tiny minority of those who share this planet with us. Take care.